Tag: Algebra

Algebra – Maths Task

Task Description: Today I have completed my maths task for today and this task was about Algebra and getting a basic understanding of it.  To complete this task I had to first go on the mat with the rest of my group and we went from 1-2 slides and work on it together as a group, on the mat we also had to find out if the question has subtraction or addition. Once we had done that I had to go back to my desk and complete this task.  This task was really easy and simple to do and it helped me get a better understanding of Algebra. I hope to do something like this again but I’m hoping  it will be harder.  My highlight for this task would be getting a better understanding of Algebra and now I understand Algebra better, My low light would probably be nothing really because this task was good. Something I could work on next time would be saying what I did because I messed up by saying 25-100 instead of 100-25, but it’s okay. This task was really fun and easy to do, Thank you for looking at this blog post bye!

Introduction to Algebra!

Task description: Today I have completed my maths task for today and this task was about the introduction to Algebra! To do this task I had to first go on the mat with the teacher and listen to what she had to say next we had to watch a video that would help us and give us more information about Algebra. In this task there were questions like  6 + a = 19   a = 13  and this task was very challenging and was something that I have never done before. My Highlight for this task would be learning something new and having a challenging task to do, and my Low-light was taking kind of long to finish this task but its okay because this task was really challenging and new to do. Something I could work on next time would be finishing it faster. Thank you for looking at this blog post I hope you enjoyed this task!