Tag: Cyber smart

Think before you share – Cyber smart task

Task description: Today I have completed my cyber smart task for today and this task was about things that you should share and things you should keep private. This task was really easy and fun to do and i hope to do this task next time because of how fun and simple it was. My highlight for this task was how easy it was to do and how fast I was able to finish this, My low-light would be nothing really. Something I could work on next time would be finishing it faster  because this task wasn’t hard. Thank you for looking at this blog post bye!

Slides Animation – Cyber Smart Task

Task Description: Today I have completed my Cyber Smart task for today and this task was about a slide show animation task that I had to do. For this task i Had to first go on the slides and copy the characters and make an animation out of this and try to make a story, The story if you didn’t understand is about a spaceship flying and meeting a alien so then they leave and that’s the end of my story. This task was easy to do and finish and i liked doing this task because it was simple and easy. Thank you for looking at this blog post.



Blog Replies Task – Cyber smart task

Task description: Today I have finished one of the Cyber smart tasks for today and this task was about blog commenting and replying. For this task there were 3 important tips for blog commenting and these tips were, 1. THANK YOU , Great them and let the reader know that you really appreciate their comment. 2. RESPOND, Answer the question you have been asked or respond to their comments. 3. QUESTION, Ask them a question about their thoughtful or helpful question. This task was really easy and simple to do and I enjoyed doing this task, Thank you for looking at this blog post!!!!