Tag: Maths

Introduction to Algebra!

Task description: Today I have completed my maths task for today and this task was about the introduction to Algebra! To do this task I had to first go on the mat with the teacher and listen to what she had to say next we had to watch a video that would help us and give us more information about Algebra. In this task there were questions like  6 + a = 19   a = 13  and this task was very challenging and was something that I have never done before. My Highlight for this task would be learning something new and having a challenging task to do, and my Low-light was taking kind of long to finish this task but its okay because this task was really challenging and new to do. Something I could work on next time would be finishing it faster. Thank you for looking at this blog post I hope you enjoyed this task!

Metric Conversions – Maths Task

Task Description: Today I have finished my maths task for Tuesday and this task was about Metric Conversions and to complete this task i had to put  the Kilometres  to Meters. Once i was done i had to post this on my blog, This task was really easy to do and i enjoyed doing it because of how simple and easy it was. My Highlight for this task was getting a better understanding of this task and my Low light was not really knowing how to do this at the start but it was good that i figured it out and finished this task. Something I could work on next time would be finishing this task faster next time, Thank you for looking at this blog post bye!

Maths Whizz – Hall Of Fame

Task Description: Today I have got 3 progressions and 3 Gems and made it into the Hall Of fame. The Hall of fame is something on Maths Whizz when you get your Progressions and gems and then you make it into the Hall of fame because you have gotten both progressions and gems. This wasn’t a big shock for me because i always make it into the hall fame but it’s okay, This was a good achievement to complete. I am also a pro, Next time i’m going to try and aim for  MASTER! 

3D shapes/Nets – Maths task

Task description: Today I have finished my maths task for Monday and this mask task was about 3D shapes/Nets. To complete this task I had to first find out the name for the shape and then find out the faces,vertices and edges. Once i had finished it i had to make a cube out of paper. This task was really easy to do and next time i hope it’s harder because this task was easy. 

Properties of a 3D Shape – Maths task

Task description: Today I have finished my maths task for today and this task was about the Properties of a 3D shape. To complete this task I had to first go through the slide and answer the questions like name each 3D shape and Properties of a 3D shape. This task was really easy to do and I hope to do this again but hopefuly its harder next time. 

3d Shapes – Maths task

Task description:  Today I have finished my maths task and this task was about 3d Shapes and to complete this task I had to Name that shape and What properties for each shape. For example a Cube has 6 faces 8 Vertices and 12 edges.  This maths task was really easy and I hope to do this next time but hopefully it’s harder. 

Polygons – Maths task

Task description: Today i have completed my Maths task for today and this task was about Polygons and I had to figure out the perimeter of these shapes like for example a Octagon has eight sides and i had to time the number of sides by five and the answer for this question was 40 because 8×4=40. I also had to go on this website where you could make your own shapes and for me I made my shape a triangle because it was easy and simple to do. This task was really easy and simple to do and i hope to do this task again next time but i hope for it to be harder.  Thank you for looking at this blog post i hope you enjoyed it Bye!

Shapes- Maths task

Task description: Today I have finished my maths task for today and it was about shapes and for this task I had to figure out what the name of the shapes were and what shapes were they? I enjoyed doing this task because it was easy to do and wasn’t really that hard to finish. This task was okay to do and I liked how easy it was and I hope next time this task and be harder because it was to easy. Thank you for looking at this blog post i hope you enjoyed this blog post!

WODB- Shapes

Task description: Today I have finished my maths task for today and this task was about finding out which shape doesn’t belong? This task was really easy and fun to do and I liked how this was a challenge for me and my group to do for maths. I also liked how this task asked me questions about shapes and I had to figure out which one didn’t belong, I enjoyed doing this task and I hope to do this task again. Thank you for looking at this blog post I hope you enjoyed it bye!