Tag: 2023

!How to be the best you can!

Today i have completed my inquiry task for today and my task today was about how you can be the best you can. For this we made slides and put down some things that can help you be the best you can.Once we had done that we put down some things that would help and put some images! This task was easy and fun thank you for looking at this blog post and than you to teacher we had Mrs T!

Setting smart goals

Today i have finished my inquiry task for today and this task was about setting smart goals and my goal for this term is to try to go to sleep early and make sure i don’t go to sleep late. To complete this goal i will make sure i am going to sleep early and getting 8 hours. This task was easy and interesting to do. 

Dawn Raid 2 -Reading Task

Today I have completed my reading task for this week and this reading task was about a book about a girl named Sofia and the book is like her diary entirely and what she goes through.  This book is really good and is amazing because it talks about the dawn raids and what some islanders had to go through. Thank you for looking at this blog post! 

Term 2 Extension Project

Task Description: Today I have completed my Extension project for this term we have been looking at 3 important words Social concussions , Sustainability and Cultural appreciation. This meant that we would have to choose a culture that we would like to do and make a type of traditional clothes for a special occasional.

For this term we have been  fashion designers and we have been looking at many different cultures and thinking of how we can make traditional fashion for a specific culture but not be cultural apportion or steal clothes that aren’t ours. We also had to make sure that it was okay for the environment and that we knew what materials they were using so that we could find out more. 

The culture that I have chosen was Fijian and i decided to make a traditional Fijian women’s wedding dress. I had used many different Fijian patterns for this dress, I had also added some texts boxes to show you what some of the materials used to make this amazing dress and what the name of some of the things used to make the dress. For this task I had been working on this project for half of this week and have done heaps of research on this. 

Social Consciousness: That could mean being aware of how your actions will impact others, being able to read other people’s emotions through verbal and non-verbal cues, and seeing a situation as if you were standing in someone else’s shoes.

Sustainability: Sustainability is about small changes we can make to help look after the planet. Making these changes helps protect animals, plants and our natural resources so that future generations will be able to enjoy them.

Cultural Appropriation: Cultural appropriation involves stealing or misusing elements of another culture. These elements may be the shared ideologies and beliefs of people within a culture, their lifestyles, or even their creative and artistic productions.

Fashion & Culture: Fashion is most often thought of as a global industry that is invested in anticipating what we wear and how we wish to appear to others. But fashion isn’t just a business. It’s also a cultural and social phenomenon, driven by the desire for the new.

Dawn Raids

Today I have finished my reading task for this week and my task for this week was about a book called “Dawn raids” and this book is about a 13 year old girl name Sofia and the book is like a dairy entry about what is going on in her life. I enjoyed reading this book because it was interesting to find out about what some people had to go though, I know this book is made up but it still was a good book. Thank you for looking at this blog post! 

(The other task i did for this is on my friend Haileys blog https://peshaileyc.edublogs.org/)


Measuring Weight and Mass

Today i have completed my Maths task for today and it was about measuring Weight and Mass. This task was about basically  finding out Grams or Kilograms? and “Best unit of Measurement?” and to do that we had to go through the slides and choose our answers. This task was really easy to do and it didn’t take long for me to finish. Thank you for looking at this blog post bye. 

Measuring Liquid Volume: Millilitres and Liters

Good morning, Today I have completed my maths task for today and this task was about measuring liquid volume and litres. To do this task i had to go through the slides and answer questions like “what item would be measured using litres?” and what “unit or measurement?”  These questions were easy to do because i have been doing maths like this for ages. Thank you for looking at this blog post! 

Measuring length

Good afternoon, Today I have completed one of my maths tasks for this week and this task was about Measuring length. For this task I had to go through the slides and answer  questions about measuring, like what answer fits the best and how long is this pen? This task was really easy to do because it was just simple maths questions. Thank you for looking at this blog post!