Category: Ako | Learn

Slides Animation – Cyber Smart Task

Task Description: Today I have completed my Cyber Smart task for today and this task was about a slide show animation task that I had to do. For this task i Had to first go on the slides and copy the characters and make an animation out of this and try to make a story, The story if you didn’t understand is about a spaceship flying and meeting a alien so then they leave and that’s the end of my story. This task was easy to do and finish and i liked doing this task because it was simple and easy. Thank you for looking at this blog post.



Maths Whizz – Hall Of Fame

Task Description: Today I have got 3 progressions and 3 Gems and made it into the Hall Of fame. The Hall of fame is something on Maths Whizz when you get your Progressions and gems and then you make it into the Hall of fame because you have gotten both progressions and gems. This wasn’t a big shock for me because i always make it into the hall fame but it’s okay, This was a good achievement to complete. I am also a pro, Next time i’m going to try and aim for  MASTER! 

Blog Replies Task – Cyber smart task

Task description: Today I have finished one of the Cyber smart tasks for today and this task was about blog commenting and replying. For this task there were 3 important tips for blog commenting and these tips were, 1. THANK YOU , Great them and let the reader know that you really appreciate their comment. 2. RESPOND, Answer the question you have been asked or respond to their comments. 3. QUESTION, Ask them a question about their thoughtful or helpful question. This task was really easy and simple to do and I enjoyed doing this task, Thank you for looking at this blog post!!!!

Thank you letter

Dear Justine & Synergy health

I just wanted to say Thank you for everything that you have done for me and the rest of my extension class. Thank you for giving us a great time at KPMG and giving us a great day. You guys made our trip to KPMG so much fun and interesting, And I just wanted to say on behalf of Pt England school we are thankful for everything that you’ve done for us and thank you for the great and yummy food you guys feed us with, We will never forget that amazing day so thank you to KPMG and Synergy Health for giving us the best time ever!  And also thank you for gifting us with these amazing Pedometers we are all very thankful and grateful that you have gifted us these!

3D shapes/Nets – Maths task

Task description: Today I have finished my maths task for Monday and this mask task was about 3D shapes/Nets. To complete this task I had to first find out the name for the shape and then find out the faces,vertices and edges. Once i had finished it i had to make a cube out of paper. This task was really easy to do and next time i hope it’s harder because this task was easy. 

Gender roles cartoon – Reading task

Task description: Today I have finished my Reading task for Wednesday and this task was about a book called Gender roles and this book was written by Evans, Malcolm Paul and this book is about the stereotypes about how women should stay in the kitchen and clean and watch the kids while the men do nothing and get served. This task was really easy to do because it was just questions about the book and the book was okay it wasn’t that great but it was okay. Thank you for looking at this blog post.  

Properties of a 3D Shape – Maths task

Task description: Today I have finished my maths task for today and this task was about the Properties of a 3D shape. To complete this task I had to first go through the slide and answer the questions like name each 3D shape and Properties of a 3D shape. This task was really easy to do and I hope to do this again but hopefuly its harder next time. 

Four of a kind – Reading task

Task Description: Today I have completed my reading task for Monday and this reading task was about a book called Four of a kind and this book was about a team of boys who play Netball and they are playing at the tournament when they realise something. The boy had realise that they were the only team of boys playing so they began to become nervous and scared but at the end when they start they find their confidence and they end up winning their game. Once I had finished reading the book i had to make the slides and complete the questions that were on the book and rewrite one of the scenes. I enjoyed reading this book and doing the task for this book because it was really easy and simple to do. Thank you for looking at this blog post. 

3d Shapes – Maths task

Task description:  Today I have finished my maths task and this task was about 3d Shapes and to complete this task I had to Name that shape and What properties for each shape. For example a Cube has 6 faces 8 Vertices and 12 edges.  This maths task was really easy and I hope to do this next time but hopefully it’s harder.