Day: September 4, 2023

Country Research Project Planning slides – Writing Task

Task description: Today I have completed my Writing task for this week and this task was basically a research project that you had to do by yourself. To complete this task you had first do some research on a country that you found interesting but sadly you couldn’t do any of the pacific islands so I had to do a country named Croatia. Filling out the info for this task was kinda hard and annoying but it’s fine because I finished this task, I enjoyed doing this task a little bit, thank you for looking at my blog post bye!

Speech Reflection – Witting Task

Task description: Today I have completed my Writing task for this week. This task was about my speech reflection and for this task I just had to answer the questions on what I thought about the questions. This task was really easy to do and my conclusion for this speech task was to be normal next time you do your speech if that makes sense. Thank you for looking at this blog post bye!