Day: February 28, 2023

Signing of the treaty

Hello and Good afternoon, Today i have completed my inquiry
task for today and it was about the signing of the treaty. To do this i had to first watch two of the videos and make a copy of the slides and fill the question, We had to write one sentence for both of the videos, I enjoyed doing this because it was fun and interesting. Also thank you for looking at this blog post.

Factors of 4

Good morning, Today i have completed my maths task for today and it was about the factors and multiptiles of 4 to do this task i had to first completed the quesrtions about the factors then i had to do the multips of 4. I enjoyed doing this task and thank you for looking at this blog post.

Number visuals ( Maths Task)

Good morning, Today i have completed my maths task for today and it was about Number visuals. for the number visuals we had to use the multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5  and their shapes for those numbers were Circle, Triangle and square.  in Green, Yellow, Blue and pink. And for the numbers we The multiplication shapes were circle, triangle. We also  coloured prime numbers like 8 and the colour for 8 was Green. Thank you for looking at this blog post and goodbye until next time.